Further information

View the most recent annual reports or view historical annual reports in the University of Melbourne Calendar Collection 1858 attached to each year’s calendar. If you cannot locate an annual report please email uni-gov@unimelb.edu.au.

The list of all honorary doctorates since 1868.

Policy advice is the responsibility of the policy steward listed on the policy. For Council approved policies contact uni-gov@unimelb.edu.au.  For Academic Board approved policies contact  acad-sec@unimelb.edu.au . For other policies contact the policy steward directly.

If you ever come across a broken link, simply email policy-help@unimelb.edu.au with the location of the broken link and the Regulatory Advisory Services team will work with the relevant Policy Steward to update the link.

Please do a key word search of the Policy Library. If you’re still unsure, contact the Policy Office, policy-help@unimelb.edu.au.

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